2016-07-22 Prof. ZHANG Jifeng was elected as the IFAC Fellow for his contributions to system identification and adaptive control. Prof. ZHANG is the director of Institute of Systems Science. His research interest is control system covering stochastic systems, system modeling and identification, multi-agent system and so on. He was honored with the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Natural Science Award of China (Second Prize), Supervisor of Outstanding Ph.D. dissertation in China, and was the Recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, etc. He serves as the Vice-President of the Systems Engineering Society of China, the Vice-President of the Chinese Association of Automation, etc. He was elected as an IEEE Fellow in 2013. The IFAC, founded in September 1957, is a multinational federation of National Member Organizations (NMOs), each one representing the engineering and scientific societies concerned with automatic control in its own country. The IFAC Fellow Award is given to persons who have made outstanding and extraordinary contributions in the field of interest of IFAC, in the role as an Engineer/Scientist, Technical Leader, or Educator. |