Functions determined by a few preimages【2012.12.21 2:30pm,C610】 |
Date:26-12-2012 Page Views: |
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Colloquia & Seminars
Speaker |
Prof.Micheal Zieve,University of Michigan |
Title |
Functions determined by a few preimages |
Time |
2012.12.21 2:30pm |
Venue |
C610 |
Abstract |
A remarkable result of Nevanlinna's asserts that a meromorphic function on the complex plane is uniquely determined by its preimages at any five prescribed points. I will present related results in which one know the preimages of some finite sets, rather than the preimages of points. At the same time, I will determine all polynomials f(x) and g(x) with algebraic coefficients for which the equation f(x)=g(y) has infinitely many solutions in some number field. The proofs use various novel Galois-theoretic arguments, including new types of applications of the classification of finite simple groups. |
Affiliation |
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